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Congress, 1951

Congress, 1951

What are you doing in February next year? Do you want a glorious summer holiday after a couple of months' seasonal work—and a cheap one at that, too? The answer to your problem is Congress. As in the past two years, 1951 Congress will be held at Curious Cove, that ideal spot in the Marlborough Sounds, used by the Air Force during the war as a recuperative centre, and now one of the Sounds' best tourist centres. There are miles of warm water for the keen swimmer, thousands of fish for the angler, boats for the rowers, walks for the trampers, grass for for the lazy to lie on—and sun for everyone.

There is another side to Congress—that of a study of some of the problems confronting us today. Formal sessions are being arranged at which prominent speakers will talk around a theme "There is Still Hope." Those who have been to Congress will recall the vigorous discussions which follow the talks. Don't be frightened by the idea that this la something very intellectual and quite out of your reach—the talks are all of a high standard but are of interest to all students.

Otago are organising Congress this year, and the committee have decided to hold it between February 9th-l8th. It is hoped with these dates that a greater cross-section of students may be able to come than in past years.

Further details will be published in this paper and posted on your notice boards later on in the year, so keep watching, and be early with your applications when these are called for.