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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 1. February 28, 1951

First Aid

First Aid

By the time this issue is in your hands we hope that there will be a First Aid cupboard installed in the lower gym for your use. In case it hasn't already arrived yet, you should know that at least the First Aid gear (minus the cupboard so far) is in the exec room meantime.

There are a few simple rules about using the equipment, such as writing down what you use, so that it will be an easy matter to check on what needs to be replaced. These rules are on the main notice boards. Incidentally, there is a very good First Aid manual there in case you are in doubt about what to use for which.


Professor and Mrs. Rhodes at the Permanent Exhibition in Moscow.

Professor and Mrs. Rhodes at the Permanent Exhibition in Moscow.