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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 5. May 24, 1951

Ban no Bar— — Editor Cotton — Cappicade a Sellout— — Cash Collector Cook

page 7

Ban no Bar

Editor Cotton

Cappicade a Sellout

Cash Collector Cook

With a ban on Capping Procession following police clashes with strikers, Victoria was faced with the problem of disposing of six or seven thousand Cappicades usually sold during the Procession and afterwards on the last day of the First Term.

The police had no objection to individuals selling around Wellington, so selling began at the Railway Station well before 8 a.m. When the van shifted uptown at 9 a.m. around three thousand had been issued out.

Selling continued from NZUSA rooms as a base, and the work of fify students ceased around noon when the whole stock—6,800—had been cleared. By two o'clock the cash was counted and in the bank.

Champion seller was McArdle, 300 copies with £15/14/2 paid into the funds, but several other stalwarts also did nearly as well.

Besides sales in record time, the cash banked was very satisfactory, and final accounts should show a very different story from previous years when shortages had become past a joke.

Individual sellers appeared to enjoy themselves, aching arms and legs notwithstanding (not with standing but rushing up and down stairs). Each big office building was covered by sellers. There were some rebuffs, but mainly people were cooperative.

One woman snapped "Certainly not—pack of Communists!" while another client stood back hesitantly and then thawed with "Cappicade, certainly, I've bought one ever since my own time at Canterbury, but for a moment I thought you were a wharfle!"

Costumes were certainly varied—in one office of a high Government official the secretary had just said to herself, "Surely this peculiar looking man with whiskers isn't to see the boss" (or whatever she calls him) and there was another shilling in the bag.

For the Opera House there remained only the small programme of "Sidarella" which was printed separately. A word of explanation here might clear up any doubts about the omission of the Extrav programme from "Cappicade" this year.

The week-end the page proofs had to be finished coincided with a very poorly attended rehearsal, and it was touch and go whether the show would go on. The cast was nowhere near finality, and "Cappicade" staff had four pages of other copy with nowhere to put it. (With their newly acquired knowledge it was "Over-set"). With the concurrence of the President it was decided to leave out the programme section and to print it separately when we knew that "Sidarella" was to go on. The basis of the decision was that the four pages of other copy would otherwise be wasted, whereas the programme could always be printed and sold separately.

Nappicade ?

The people who will be responsible for the production of Cappicade next year can look forward to a big loss, for Wellington public is like the proverbial elephant. Indeed, none will ever forget this year's pathetic effort. The sales this year were exceptionally good. On reason for this is of course, that Procesh was banned, and Wellington as a whole was sympathetic; but there is a much more important cause. Cappicade has had a good reputation for some years now—and this has not been an accident, for the standard has been agreeably high, and yet suitably low. But this year's attempt will indubitably delete any previous ideas anyone ever had on the subject of Cappicade. An attempt was made to make the standard "higher" with the result that the finished product is almost uniformly sterile. There are some "toilet-paper" "jokes" of an incredibly infantile level; there is a sprinkling of good humour of absolutely universal appeal (suitable for kindergarten, but funny); if there had been more of them the finished appearance would have been much better.

Thanks to D. Paterson the cartoons were good; but there were not enough of them. Why leave it all to him? But once again, it must be remembered that most of the people who habitually buy this publication arc not doing so only for the good of VUC; it cannot be denied that the previous habit of including a large proportion of censorially dubious items was an important factor in the sales—resulting in the unmerited good response to this year's production.

But whatever the jokes—let them be Funny.
