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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 12. September 20, 1951

No Fizz in Avant Garde But Plenty in the Lecturer

No Fizz in Avant Garde But Plenty in the Lecturer

Eric Linklater's address to a crowded C3 was interesting for more things than the subject, the Modern Novel. In the first place he was introduced by Professor Gordon who was making one of his very rare appearances on the lecture platform (for further news of rare appearances see: Van Deusen) and in the second place it was not necessary for Eric Linklater to use a microphone nor was it necessary for him to shout. Students and, we hope the English faculty staff learned as much about lecturing as they did about the novel.

After the routine complimentary introduction and deft reply the lecturer began by saying that;

"Note taking is a disgusting habit. It rots the memory and ruins the faculty of reading." These severe strictures were repeated and should benefit any other staff members who happened to be present. Salient, nevertheless, took notes.

By way of introduction there was an interesting little story about a Chinese tea house in Shanghai which emphasised the point that the purpose of the novel is to entertain, because it had its origin in the ant of storytelling. From this it was easy to criticism the extremes of seriousness which characterises the novel and its critics in modem times.

For this failing one must blame, at least in part, compulsory education and the amount of harm done by this innovation "can hardly be measured for it is not only wicked but futile." It has made Wordsworth a lantern jawed old bore simply because it has been thundered at us since birth that he is not only famous but Important.