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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 13. October 4, 1951

Editorial Ulceration

Editorial Ulceration

Editing Salient is not an easy job. There are staff difficulties and finance difficulties, even political difficulties. At the first editorial meeting 30 people elected the staff and perhaps 10 of these have worked consistently during the year.

Editorial meetings and Salient contributions contained echoes of the cold war. Salient was over-devoted to causes which the previous and the present editor considered were over-praised. There was a long-standing tradition but, except for 1950, it had not been a tradition of service to the students and the College.

An attempt has been made this year to follow Salient's tradition in the true sense. It is impossible to edit an organ of student opinion without bias, but it is possible to edit it so that it does not overplay that bias.

Salient is paid for from three sources: Student sales, advertising and an association subsidy. It therefore has a duty towards the Association. Political muckraking is only part of its duty.

Whether or not the changes which have been more obvious in recent issues have been successful is for readers to say. At the moment Salient does not pay but with a subscription list of 800 that would be possible. By 1952 Salient may no longer be the "red rag" and that should result in increased student interest.