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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 2. March 13, 1952

Drama "The Rivals"

Drama "The Rivals"

Corny! Amateurish!.. Too serious! Boring! These are the sentiments expressed by students who never go to the theatre unless the Tivolovelles and some Vaudeville acts are showing.

"The Rivals' 'is a funny play. Those who saw Old Vic's "School for Scandal" know that Sheridan is funny, and two hundred years has made little difference to his kind of wit.

V.U.C. Drama Club is ambitious and it is also one of the best drama groups in the city. Their productions avoid drawing room comedy and usually fascinate even if the acting is not professional standard.

From the 18th to the 22nd of March V.U.C. Drama Club is playing "The Rivals" in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall. You can afford to go and you are sure to enjoy it when you do.

Published for the Victoria University Students' Association and printed by the Standard Press, 25a Marion St., Wellington.

Salient will review the play, never fear, and If Salient's critic thinks the production deserves an egg he (or she) will say so. The point is Salient's critic will go and see. Why don't you?