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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 3. March 20, 1952



We, students of N.Z. believing that a major threat to world peace and security stems from the misunderstanding that arises between nations, urge that the following practical suggestions be adopted as policy and acted upon by the New Zealand Government and carried into the United Nations.

(I)That there should be an immediate meeting of representatives of the governments of India, Great Britain. U.S.A., U.S.S.R, France and the Chinese People's Republic to discuss their problems and to settle their differences.
(II)That these governments should work in concert to bring about the cessation of hostilities in Korea, and the peaceful settlement of the Korean dispute.
(III)That these governments should take steps to bring about universal disarmament.
(IV)That the Security Council of the U.N. should be urged to admit to membership of the United Nations Organisation all the nations that apply for admission, including the Chinese People's Republic.
(V)That all governments should be called upon to permit the free exchange of information and the unrestricted travel of persons.