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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 16. August 14, 1952

Victoria Victorious! — Savage Shows Class

Victoria Victorious!

Savage Shows Class

With possibly only one game to play, Varsity have maintained their two point lead over their closest rivals, Wellington. Hutt joined the growing list of the vanquished with greater reluctance than have most. Had fortune smiled on them Hutt could quite easily have become the only team to inflict defeat on Varsity twice in the one season.

It was an uneven game; one in which the likelihood of overwhelming victory was replaced by the possibility of defeat within the space of fifteen minutes. Seldom before has a team given two such contrasting exhibitions as did Hutt on Saturday. The first-half saw them completely at a loss in finding an effective counter to Savage.

In the fist 40 minutes Savage played havoc with the Hutt defence, The Valley team fielded a player who although he would be mattered to be mentioned in the same breath as Hennie Muller attempted to play a game characteristic of that now almost legendary figure. Savage realise this after the first scrum and decided to serve his backs only when this forward was out of position. Indeed he showed the two methods with which the loose forward could be overcome. By either a running half back or long well directed dive-passes. The first method he exploited in the first half and second mainly during the latter half of the game.

Only after what must have been a severe dressing-down during half-time did Hutt live up to their reputation of being a strong well-bal anced team. In the second half Hutt obtained more of the ball and gave their fast back-line greater opportunities. Especially in the closing stages of the game they showed up hitherto unknown weaknesses in the Varsity defence.

The Varsity forwards proved the stabilising factor... At no stage did they allow the Hutt pack to get on top. In the line-outs particularly Varsity showed their superiority.

Although in this aspect of the game Smith was as ever the dominating figure his all round play was not up to his previous games.

Fisher played his best game of the season. He was given greater opportunity by the rearrangement of the forward play in the loose. Murray was not as prominent as usual but gave good account of himself in the tight.

Osborne was the main personality among the outside, backs. His kicking and tackling played a major part in helping out the Hutt's attack during the second spell. Battell confirmed the good impression he made lost week. This propping and change of direction made the opening for Page's try.

Jarden was on good form with his kicking securing eight points from penalties and conversions. A tendency to hang bock and not follow his half when he moved on the blind seemed a flaw in otherwise sound display.

The game against Wellington next week should be the deciding one for the Jubilee Cup. After Wellington's enterprising game in the curtain raiser on Saturday an excellent tussle seems possible. Should Varsity win this game then their struggle for the coveted trophy is at an end. It is no overstatement to say that the best wishes of the whole college goes with them in their bid for the symbol of Rugby supremacy in Wellington.

Sports Editor.

The Standard Press" is not Responsible for the Reading of Salient.

Published for the Victoria University Students' Association and printed by the Standard Press, 25a Marion St., Wellington.