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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 5. April 15, 1953

Tournament Report . . .

Tournament Report . . . .

Once again Otago University has won the Easier Tournament Shield With 44½ points, Canterbury gaining 22½pts., Auckland 23. and Victoria again won the Wooden Spoon with 17 points. The competition was generally of the usual high standard and several records were broken or equalled. On the social side proceedings were highly convivial and everybody had a good time. The organisation was not quite as good as it has been for previous Tournaments in Dunedin and in some respects left a lot to be desired. As far as Victoria's team is, concerned it performed much as expected in some Sports a little more luck would have won us valuable points while in others we reached an all-time low it is first a reflection on those poor types who "can't be bothered" going to Tournament or "haven't got the time or the cash" even with a generous Exec. travelling subsidy of £2/12/-per head, which meant the cost for men was £4/6/- and for women £3 16/-. Our team's performance is a poor reflection, too on those types who play for outside clubs rather than Show loyally to their University for those are the guys who criticise and minimise the other guys who went to Tournament. Anyhow this is what happened: