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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 5. April 15, 1953



Victoria had a good win against Auckland on Kelburn Park largely due to the batting of Malcolm McCaw (78 and 55) and Trev. Turner (51) and the bowling of Jim Thomson. Bill Perkins and Rendle Brime. The scores were: V.U.C. 162 and 204: A.U.C. 173 and 115. Against Otago however, the batting completely collapsed for 53 and 99. Malcolm McCaw made 19 and 17 his second innings completed in 2hr. 10min., while Doug Lang batted well for 22 and Jim Thomson, after three previous blobs, made 15 in less minutes, thus earning 15 beers and three whiskies, winch I understand have yet to be delivered. Jim was also successful in taking six wickets for 50 runs in Otago's first innings of 148 and must be considered unlucky to have missed selection for the N.Z.U. team. Our congratulations to Bill Perkins, Malcolm McCaw and Doug. Lang (12th man), who made the N.Z.U. team.