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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 2. March 18, 1954


One of our reporters, hearing rumours of an important new V.U.C. Drama Club production, decided to go to a rehearsal to find out more details about the play and its personnel. He was met at the door by production manager Gavin Yates: "Ah," he said, "you have heard of our new play—'Under the Sycamore Tree'!" "Yes!" our reporter replied, "can you tell Salient readers more about it?" "With pleasure—It is by the American playwright, Samuel Spewack, who has already been successful with such shows as 'Kiss Me Kate' and 'Boy Meets Girl'."

"Under the Sycamore Tree" is a delightful comedy full of satire and grand burlesque. We have only to consider the plot. A scientist of the ants who live under the sycamore tree, has learnt of some of the ways of human beings by listening to the wireless arid has decided that the ant colony needs some drastic reforms.