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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 3. March 25, 1954

Jubilee with Tradition

Jubilee with Tradition

This year, 1954 is one of Jubilee in the life of the College. Weir celebrates its 21st anniversary; I said we had tradition—21 years of corporate life have started something of tradition in the life of the House—something that is enriching to those who dwell for a season within its wallls and then pass on. We each give a part of our individuality to the House and take of its collective gift—fellowship, scholarship and service above self.

The house has no real history apart from the lives if its members. It is an adage of historians and not unconnected with self-interest, perhaps that a country is happy which has no history: therefore we are happy in the knowledge that we lack what we do not want.