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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 20, No. 2. March 29, 1956



Carl Olivecrona: Has had an outstanding season in outside competition. He now holds the Southern Hawke's Bay C grade championship and tied for second in the open championship of this shoot. He has figured well in the North Island champs, and in club shooting in his home town. His recent trip to the National Rifle Association annual prize meeting at Trentham, where he qualified for the Final Service Fifty, will have benefited him greatly in experience.

David Holye, our club captain, and one of the mainstays of the club. He shot with some success at the Auckland Rifle Association annual meeting at New Year. His NZU Blue shows that he is capable of turning it on when required and his versatility in handling all conditions suggests that he is not to be taken too lightly.

Ian Batty, a newcomer to tournament. His present form indicates that he can be a solid support for the team.