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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 20, No. 6. June 22, 1956

Tony Ellis

Tony Ellis

Tony Ellis offers his services on Executive again this year and has the following record. He entered VUC in 1953 with an Entrance Scholarship and has since obtained a B.A. in Mathematics whilst pursuing a B.A.-L.L.B. course which still claims his attention.

He captains the VUC fencing team in NZU and provincial tournaments and has represented NZU and Wellington. He has a VUC Blue. He played hockey for two years.

He served on the Finance and Cafeteria Subcommittees of the Executive. He has been a delegate to Winter Tournament and Has been Gymnasium and Common Room Controller 1955-56. He has also done other things. He is a member of the retiring Executive.

The new Executive will, it seems, be full of officers elected for the first time and experience in student affairs should .be at a premium. Tony feels that he can provide at least a little of this experience.

Nominator: U. G. Simmers.

Seconders: B. V. Galvin. W. Iles.