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Salient: An organ of student opinion at Victoria University, Wellington. Vol. 23, No. 3. Monday, April 11, 1960

Seeks Apathy

Seeks Apathy

From night club acts after lectures to touring artist was the next step. Lehrer has toured America and Great Britain. When questioned about his current tour to Australia and New Zealand he replied, "I hope I'm greeted with the same apathy I get in the States."

His act is a series of parodies on popular songs and folk ballads interspersed with Lehrerisms. His technique is to take a simple jingle or sweet tune, sing it straight for a line or two, then slice through it with satire.

Everywhere he has appeared he has been enthusiastically received, although his humour is trying for some. Most critics have only praise for Lehrer: "Cynic packs house," "Mr Macabre massacred them," "His weird wit brings the house down." But one has written: "Why do they laugh at the dumb Mr Lehrer . . . For those who have never heard of Belloc, Graham, Benchley, Thumber, Charles Adams I suppose Mr Lehrer will have to do."