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Salient. An organ of student opinion at Victoria University, Wellington. Vol. 23, No. 8. Monday, September 12, 1960

Preliminary Report On " Salient " Questionnaire

Preliminary Report On " Salient " Questionnaire

"Generalisations are always dangerous perhaps even this one."

A full reduction of the data has not been completed, but the following is a selection of typical or quotable comments:

"Salient" is an insult to this university."

"It is too self-centred and devoted to things like Exec. reports when it should be a medium for broadening our knowledge of things going on outside the walls of Victoria."

"More Association and Exec. news. How else can we have responsible concern by the students?"

"Higher standard of writing—more politics and less gossip (which is usually incomprehensible to those not in "The Group" anyway)."

"Too conservative, shallow, apathetic ..."

"Salient should be free; should consist of blank sheets as these are convenient for note-taking, etc.; use stiffer paper to improve performance of university darts." "Salient ought to stop dealing in trivial, hackneyed subjects like 'Why we always win the wooden spoon at tournament'. Surely a student publication should try to grapple with at least some issues of importance to adults and not just deal with gossip, anti-isms, etc. What about publishing interviews with Nash and Holyoake on their respective election platforms, or on their attitude to student accommodation or their attitude to Communist China, America, or even N.Z.? Why not support or oppose the campaign for nuclear disarmament, religious education in schools, control of the new Student Association building by Dr. Williams? Are all these irrelevant?"