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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 8. 1961.



With the coming into use of the Student. Union Building "Salient" felt it was an appropriate time to introduce the new office staff to students.

Mrs White has replaced Mrs Dunmore as the Student Association office secretary. Mrs Olivecrona is employed by the University Council as telephone operator with general clerical duties. After a fairly rapid succession of office staff it was good to hear that they both intend staying for some time.

The job (to Mrs White) is something new and different: an enjoyable challenge. She seems interested in' student affairs and particularly wants to improve the office service for executive and students.

Mrs Olivecrona has enjoyed her first three days: we hope this will continue. It is caused partly by her appreciation of the new building, but she did say that she enjoyed meeting students and was thankful for the help given her as she settled in. We also have in her a supporter of Little Theatre activities. She mentioned that most students were not yet used to the new building (space and cleanliness are surprising at first!) but there is already much work for her to do.

On one vital and topical issue: both ladies felt that our foreshortened title should not be the unfamiliar "University of Wellington." We are (and always should be) "Victoria University."