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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 9. 1961

Grad. Supper

Grad. Supper

Sir,—I must thank Salient for contributing new meanings to the words "orgy" and 'brawl."

I do not know whether a reporter of your excellent newspaper (whose editors consider themselves responsible adults, qualified to lecture to fellow students—who are after all juvenile—and to the faculty members—who are after all out of touch with the needs of the present generation) was . present at the Supper. If he was there he could not have failed to notice the mismanagement of the Executive which, alone, was responsible for making the affair a flop. For example, could the people in the back hear all the sneakers even if there was a pindrop silence? Wasn't there the need for a microphone? Mr Marshall and Dean Campbell commanded the attention of the students because they were audible. How effective, by the way was te Chairmanship of Mr Mitchell?

What is this Graduands' Supper supposed to be anyway? Is it an occasion to make long boring speeches?

Mr Editor, you are out of step if you think the occasion is supposed to be a solemn one and not one of revelry. It was, therefore, very proper for a member of the faculty, who knew something about human zoology, to have disaffiliated himself from the proceedings of the meeting, and to have retired in the back room with those students who wanted to get out of the boredom.

It has been reported that the Common Common Room floor has been pockmarked by the imprint of stiletto heels; that the same room has rings from beer glasses along the window sills; and that at places cigarette stubs have done some damage to the woodwork. So, what? Is the Common Common Room a museum piece, or an art gallery?

A final word about the letters of apologies that Mr Mitchell has sent. Dr. Williams has been around student suppers long enough to know what they are supposed to be. I doubt if he was embarrassed by what hapened at the supper. He must have been embarrassed by the letter of apology. He might have even wondered how "respectable" the students are trying to become these days; and he might have sighed at the thought of it.

Yours, etc.,

Ex Graduand.
