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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 11. 1961

Cafeteria Review

Cafeteria Review

The new cafeteria has been operation for two months, at we have had an opportunity to a sess the kind of service it provide

First, the facilities are first-rate In spite of dark and gloomy for bodings from the past contract about its size (too large) it is regularly filled to overflowing for about two hours each day, with a steady stream of custom in between. The tables are not crammed in too close together, and the occasional redistribution of chain doesn't seem to worry anyone too much.

The service also is good. The queues, inevitable at lunch and tea time, are seldom more than a few minutes delay, and the tables are kept clear and clean all the time If only the cashier wouldn't tos your change on to the counter when you are balancing a cup of coffee and a plate of sandwiches and a satchel and six books in one hand and extending the other, palm wards with stiff and precarious balance, for the coins to be dropped into it . . .

Next comes the food. Actually, it doesn't come next, it comes first -we decided to say all the nice things first, though. The food is granted, restricted by cost and other factors, but the cold buffet leaves much to be desired. Sand wiches, quarter rounds, at 2d. each, are apt to contain so little of such an indeterminate substance that they are positively unpleasant. The town size, at town prices, with town fillings, would be far more appetising. Incidentally, many town stores and tearooms sell sandwiches at 4d., so the present ones are not cheap at all. Also there is often very little variety in cakes, sandwiches and savouries Sometimes there is only one plate set out.

Fruit drinks—very good. Also tea and coffee. The hot meals are well cooked and there's variety; the brown potato has been getting whiter (I take it they have ceased to mash them with the skins on) and everything has the proper flavour. They are, however, expensive. Gravy costs so little to make I think it should be thrown in when you buy a pie for 1/-.

Phantom Viper.

Answer to "Four-students"

Cafeteria Comment: Absolutely NO more changes until we can see our way clear. Fruit is a risky thing to keep and there is No Profit.