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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 11. 1961

Filthy Wellington

Filthy Wellington

Sir,—While Queen Victoria's reign produced some of the most hideous architectural and social structures ever erected, Roturies' statement that she was a tyrant is just hot air. I never knew Victoria and it is highly improbable that Roturies did. Consequently neither of us is in a position to say whether or not she was a tyrant.

Advocates of Wellington University are only a few of our bumbling councillors, not the businessmen; the businessmen in addition are the only people to whom our Exec, can crawl to for badly needed funds.

But his "Wu-Wu" makes my blood boll. After seeing the major cities of South Africa and Australia in addition to most of the British Isles, I am in a position to compare Wellington with them. I state, without any qualification, whatsoever, that Wellington is a hole. It's the most dirty and Inhospitable town that I have ever had the misfortune to know. It's a monstrosity, without even the saving grace of a fascination usually attendent on such objects. And in parts it stinks. Literally. Of filth.

I shudder at the thought that, some day, I may carry the stigma of having graduated at Wellington, if this terrible prospect should ever become a near certainty I shall promptly transfer to Auckland University where I may continue my studies in peace, albeit at. a lower standard.

I am, etc.,

M. Andreasen.