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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 8. 1962.

Elements Arrested

Elements Arrested

It does not represent student because it asks the police to suit press student demonstrations. [unclear: Or] Exec, member has assured the [unclear: writer] it would do "irresponsible [unclear: elements]" good to be arrested. [unclear: It] does not represent student [unclear: opinion:] because it ignores students' [unclear: petions]. The Executive knew that [unclear: 4], students wanted to demonstrat It had no knowledge of student who did not want a demonstration

It chose to act on an assumption for which it had no evidence namely that students did not was a demonstration.

A Student Executive is [unclear: election] to represent students, not to [unclear: control] them. Once it ceases to represent and tries to dictate, them becomes a dictatorship.

It is a dictatorship. Once [unclear: a] executive becomes a dictatorship. [unclear: It] is hypocritical for it to expect students not to undertake direct [unclear: action]. It is the executive which [unclear: have] made indirect action [unclear: impossible] The executive is therefore hypocritical, dictatorial and [unclear: arrogance] Fortunately, it will soon have [unclear: all] face another election.

[unclear: Owen Gagfe]