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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25. No. 11. 1962


The record situation this week is poverty stricken. However, the discs that are available are top rank and are unlikely to be surpassed for quite some time.

Liszt. Piano concertos: No. 1, In E Flat major and No. 2, in A major. Sviatoslav Richter (piano) with the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kyril Kondrashin. Philips ABL 3401 (Mono)

Kondrashin makes the LSO play as the Philharmonia did in its heyday: the soloists are in superb form and their ensemble work is excellent. Both orchestra and soloist Richter play in perfect accord—as equal partners in fact, and there is no. Feeling that the orchestra is there purely as an accompanist to keyboard fireworks.

Both the conductor and pianist provide a few surprises in their readings, the kind that occur when the composer's markings are noted instead of being disregarded.