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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25. No. 13. 1962

Hot Collars

Hot Collars

Hot under the collar, over 100 students opined that the Exec, had to go, and raised their hands to that effect at the S.G.M. The outgoing Exec, was labelled a "powerful but corrupt elite" by Ralph Magnusson, twice - unsuccessful Exec, aspirant.

But the loudest, longest noise was still to come. A provisional Exec. had been elected for the period up until the Annual General Meeting. Tired of the left-ward trend of late, the more conservative element decided it was time for action.

One Tony Pointon moved "That this Association has confidence in the Evicted Exec."

Dwyer then called the meeting "reactionaries". "traitors" and "back-stabbers". Vocalist Dwyer, with loud chorus work from accompanying leftists, kept up such a racket that the meeting had to be put off until the following week. But they achieved their purpose. No more was heard of Pointon's motion.

Soon after, the Minister of Education announced new aids to students suffering under increased fees.