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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25. No. 13. 1962

Kong Ying Loong

Kong Ying Loong

A quiet, studious Colombo Plan student from North Borneo, Kong Ying Loong is deceptively so, for he has a keen, logical mind and a strong sense of humour.

Kong came to New Zealand in 1958 to do his U.E. at Wellington Technical College, and the following year he started at Vic. This year he is working on his M.A. in Economics, doing research in "non-financial intermediaries" — sources of credit other than banks. When he finishes he plans to go back to North Borneo, but his career there is "very unsettled". He thinks that he will probably teach.

Kong praised the Economics Department for the balanced course that it gave students. "There are both practical and theoretical men on the staff," he said, "and they work in co-operation with each other." A resident at Weir House, he would only say that Weir "is better than any other hostel or guest house I've been to."