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Salient. Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 1. Monday, February 25, 1963

Larger Centres

Larger Centres

"The need for additional residential accommodation for our university students exists particularly in the larger metropolitan centres where only too often students are required to undertake their studies under conditions which are far from conducive to serious work." Mr Tennent said.

"Many church bodies and other organisations have shown themselves keen to raise funds to help with the establishment of halls of residence for university students and I think the subsidy scheme now approved by the Government will provide generous assistance to those bodies anxious to proceed with the planning and erection of such halls."

Mr Tennent said the subsidy scheme would be administered by he University Grants Committee in the same way as other university building projects.

"It is proposed," he said, "that interested bodies should discuss their proposals first with the university concerned and that, having come to agreement with the university council regarding the nature of the project in nind,' application for a subsidy should be made through the council to the grants committee, which would then consider the rase and represent it to the Government.

"The Government contribution of up to £1200 a study-bedroom should prove most realistic in the light of today's costs.