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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 2. 1963.

Recruiting Chorists

Recruiting Chorists

There has been energetic recruiting in the Women's Common Room during enrolment week for the Music Society Choir. About 150 have shown active interest so far.

It is believed that this is the first time anything of this scale has been attempted by students. It will be a 100-voice choir and will present a public concert in early August with an orchestra which includes members of the National Orchestra.

The works to be performed are both well known. Bach's Magnificat in D is a brilliant, festival work written in 1723. The orchestra includes 3 trumpets, oboes, flutes and strings.

The other work is a setting by Benjamin Britten of parts of a long poem, Rejoice in the Lamb. The writer was Christopher Smart, an 18th Century poet, deeply religious, but of a strange and unbalanced mind.

Printed by Truth (N.Z.) Limited. 23-27 Garrett Street, Wellington, for the Victoria University of Wellington Students' Association.