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Salient. Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 7. Tuesday, June 18, 1963

The Student World

The Student World

USA: The University of California in San Diego has chartered the 9000-ton German passenger ship Seven Seas for two world cruises as a "floating university" from October, 1963, till June, 1964.

The Americans plan two approximately four-month-long cruises for the ship, each with 500 students on board.

During the voyages the students are to be able to continue with their studies.

Korea: Three hundred students met recently at Seoul National University to adopt a declaration attacking the Government as "corrupt and inefficient" and vehemently opposing its proposals to continue military rule four more years.

The students made it a clean sweep by opposing a solution "under duress by outside forces"—a reference to attempts by the United States to find a solution to the South Korean crisis. But the impact of the statement and speeches was plainly meant to fall principally on the military Government. Student leaders said that unless the military men took quick steps to get themselves out of power, students would take "direct action" and organise street demonstrations. Three years ago, the students of South Korea established themselves as a force to be reckoned with by sparking the revolution that overthrew President Syngman Rhee. A year later a military coup destroyed the elected Government of Premier John M. Chang and since then little has been heard from the students because of a ban on political activity imposed by the junta. But lately students have been meeting in small private groups to thrash out their stand. Some of them, in minority, support the military regime and have been receiving encouragement from it. Most of them are filled with contempt or anger towards the politicians, whom they accuse of having made a mess of Korean affairs when they held power.