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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 28, No. 6. 1965.



The Material we have presented elsewhere on this page is factual. The accuracy of the facts is vouched for by Salient's Editors.

The question which we want to ask and hope to answer here is: "Is the Dominion pursuing a conscious policy of selective reporting so as to show students to the community in a very poor light?"

Both the Editor, Mr. Reeves, and the Chief Reporter, Mr. Kelliher, were sympathetic when student complaints were put to them. Mr. Kelliher, as Salient's Editors can personally vouch, takes an active and constructive interest in university affairs.

The evidence, such as it is, does not point to a deliberate attempt by the Dominion to give a misleading impression of student affairs.

What there is evidence of, however, is a substantial lack of interest in the news that is being offered.

The Dominion, in particular, regards as news only that which is destructive. Accordingly, when students make an abortive attempt to drink a hotel dry, this is regarded as news. That students also collect £1000 for charity on the same day hardly rates mention.

This attitude is, fortunately, not to be found all over New Zealand.

The Christchurch Press gave a considerable amount of space to the Canterbury students' charity collection, just as it gave space to the efforts of Canterbury students to drink a hotel dry.

It reported all of the week's student activities, not just some of them. The Christchurch public could make its own judgment.

We have already said once this year that students are not afraid of any true representation of themselves. This is all that we ask of the Dominion: that its reports be fair both in content and in selection.

At the moment this is not the case, and consequently the Dominion cannot be respected.

