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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 1. 1966.


In Washington, D.C., Senator Fulbright is proving to be President Johnson's official nuisance.

As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Fulbright was incensed over the Bay of Pigs and Dominican Republic episodes. However, up to the middle of 1965 he acquiesced and substantially aided the United States Administration's policy in Vietnam.

The Senator chose the New Year to launch verbal missiles at the escalation of war in Vietnam, and at what he considers to be a basically misguided solution to the problem. Failure to receive an invitation to the President's cocktail party was the official retaliation toward this man, who so unsportingly failed to keep in line during the "peace offensive."

At the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in December, Fulbright came as an observer representing the State Department.