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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 4. 1966.

English Penfriends Offered

English Penfriends Offered

Sir—I have started a private penfriend club and I have been requested, by about 50 to 100 young ladles (mainly young trainee teachers, etc, age 17-21 and nurses etc) to find them New Zealand college or university pen friends. They would like to write to young men in the 17-27 age group.

If you have any young men interested in writing to a single, well-educated. English girl, please append their names, in list form, and I will endeavour to find them suitable correspondents! Please also ask each one to send a 1/6 postal note to cover airmail reply.

The young ladies, who wish to write, are from the very best families and will write most intelligent letters. Many will possibly get the idea of coming out, later, for a year, on the exchange scheme, (as they are nearly all adventurous types).

This is not a matrimonial agency, of course, (Ha! ha !), but just a pen-friend club.

J. Irving (Mrs.)

137 St. Cuthbert's Rd., Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5, England.

Students' Association secretary, Michael King (who last issue was urging readers to write to Japanese girls) this issue suggests readers may like to take up this offer. He has an interim list from which selections may be made!—Ed.