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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 5. 1966.

David Shand

David Shand

David Shand

Dave Shand is aged 21; commerce graduate in Accountancy, studying for BA in Economics; Research Officer in the Treasury. Two years' executive experience: Public Relations Officer 1964/65, Treasurer 1966, represented VUW at NZUSA Easter Council 1966; wide subcommittee experience; past member of Student Union Building planning committee.

Other Activities: President of the Debating Society, member of the VUW debating team; vice-president Labour Party club; treasurer of the Drama club; deputy-chairman Cultural Clubs' council.

He believes that the students' association must make itself more useful to students and receptive to their needs. In particular, action is required on the following:

Accommodation: Representations to government on the urgency of this problem at Victoria. Make this an issue in this year's general election.

Bursaries: A responsible follow-up to last year's student action, to remove remaining anomalies. Oppose forfeiting of bursaries by students who marry or take up minor jobs within their departments.

Campus Bookshop: Overcome administrative inertia and get this scheme off the ground.

Law and Accountancy Students' Pay: Support for faculty clubs seeking increases.

Graduate Employment: Press government for increased commencing salaries for graduates in the Public Service.

Military Service: Press government for special provisions for university students who are prevented from earning a reasonable wage during the holidays.

Evening Lectures: Negotiate to have all lectures held during daytime.

Car Parking: Have Wai-te-Ata Road reinstated as a student parking area. Seek inclusion in the town plan of a parking building near the university.

Research grants: The present £500 limit on tax free grants for university research should be raised.

Liaison with Schools: Press to have Tour of Schools by students reintroduced.

Problems of Individual Students: Representations by the association on behalf of individual students on academic matters it requested.

NZUSA: The immediate need is the consolidation of the past year's gains and continued advances in educational research and student travel. At Easter Council David Shand was appointed by other students' associations to supervise NZUSA's financial affairs. He is thus in close contact with its present activities.

The president is the spokesman for students in the community at large and must exercise this function constructively. This calls for an individual well acquainted with current developments in student and national affairs and concerned to make student views influential and respected.

With his administrative experi-ence, extensive down-town contacts and commonsense approach to student problems, David Shand is well qualified for the position of association president.