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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Student's Newspaper. Volume 31 Number 2. March 12, 1968



Situations vacant


J. I. Rattery Manager

Administrative Accountant

Student aged 21 to 35 who has passed some units and has had at least three years' accountancy experience in an office, including the handling of clerical staff, is offered a good career opportunity by a distributing firm, where he will be In charge of 5 girls, control the daily output of work and generally handle debtors' ledger and wages. Salary is $3400 negotiable.

Senior Audit Clerk

A well known public accountancy firm has two openings for bright young men, not older than 30, who have passed at least 6 units of accountancy and expect this to be their final year in studies. The team they are invited to join consists of a number of enthusiastic and highly successful young men whose average salary. Auditing experience is pre-$4000. Auditing experience is preferred, but not absolutely necessary. Starting salary $3600 negotiable.

Senior Accountant

One of N.Z.'s leading manufacturers wishes to appoint a qualified man in the 30 to 35 age bracket, to the position of senior accountant with duties extending over all accountancy matters. This is a top level position and warrants the selection of an accountant with vast experience. Full details will be discussed at interview. Salary $4400 negotiable.

Senior Development Chemist

A young B.Sc. graduate straight out of University and intending to make a career in Wellington is offered an enviable opportunity is commence with a manufacturing firm specialising in enamels end varnishes. Work will be in the senior department where duties will include the development of new products. Youth is immaterial, provided applicants are capable of controlling staff. Salary of $2800 is offered.

[unclear: G]Rattray

Tel 56-747

154 Wills St. next Ymce

Don't Wait

Don't Write

Call Today

Attractive part-time (8-10 hours per week) positions, obtaining advertising for Salient, Rostrum and other university publications.

Absolute Minimum Earnings Will Be In The Region Of $2 Per Hour.

Don't Delay, Call Today . . .




(After Hours)

Organ Recital


Young N.Z.-born artist now world acclaimed.

Gillian Weir

Gillian Weir

". . . each piece, from Bach to Messiaen, reached the ears as a fresh, invigorating experience."

—Musical Times, London. From London Proms And Expo 67

Popular and Critical Acclaim


St. Paul's Cathedral Wellington Saturday, 16 March

Organ Music Of Bach, Haydn, Widor, Hindemith, Messiaen Student Half-Price Concession Price 55c at D.I.C. Booking Office.

This price includes booking fee and programme.