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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Student's Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 8. April 30 1968



Sir,—I am delighted to find Salient publishing at least one column of impeccably sound political comment; to wit, the thoughts of Mr. J. H. Mitchell. It is rare indeed that such an acute political wit and such a fierce contempt, for the milky-kneed liberal myths are combined with the more traditional views, but in Mr. Mitchell we find both.

When Mr. Mitchell wittily pokes gentle fun (however obliquely) at the beliefs held, I am sure, by many of our readers, and certainly reflected on occasion in your columns, how can we fail to realise that there are two sides to any issue: the Right, and the Wrong side. May I say that I am on Mr. Mitchell's side, and indeed, will support anyone whose political faith is securely based on the trinity of Morality, Private Property, and the Superior Culture of the Anglo-Saxon Race.

God bless you in your persecution of the Good Fight. Mr. Mitchell. When the 'Dominion' describes you, who can doubt but that it will call you. 'The William F. Buckley Of Karori'

Yours sincerely,

J. R. Anderson.