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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 12 June 11, 1968



June 11, 1968

Opinions expressed in Salient are not necessarily those of VUWSA.

To the young in this country whose interest in America is coupled with concern for the problems she is facing both within and abroad the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy is a particular tragedy.

Senator Kennedy seemed to appreciate these problems more vividly than others on his country's political scene. His record showed action on the problems that concerned him rather than worry over their political exigencies. As United States Attorney-General he fought with effect for Civil Rights— against Union corruption and attracted to his department young men of ability, several of whom now hold high office in Congress and in President Johnson's Administration.

To many of us Senator Kennedy was the hope of moderation in future American foreign policy. His advice prevailed against the experts in the Cuban missile crisis and his criticism of Vietnam involvement came before this was fashionable in America.

His image of action won him the loyalty of the poor and the other underprivileged groups in American society with whom he felt a real concern. They appreciated that results to him would matter more than the concomitant charges of ruthlessness or arrogance.

For the future many of us saw this leader and his views as what America needed to have a chance of achieving and in the long term securing peace both in that country and overseas.

We must now hope that in 1968 American can find another such man.