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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 22. September 17, 1968

King-size balls

King-size balls

Sir—With mention to an ad in Salient 10/9/68, concerning catering for balls, my company, Most Unusual Products Ltd., cater to all styles and tastes. We invite all students to inspect the selection of top quality lines just arrived in our showrooms. In addition to the ever-popular blackballs and eye balls our switched on collection includes:— liquid lightning balls more miles per gallon balls (the latest thing overseas) so kind to your hands balls balls with a delightful fragrance too no-waste nonslip balls balls that do the same job in only half the time new refillable plastic squeeze pack balls giant white tornado balls cheaper! cheaper! cheaper balls super stainless cutting edge filter tip king size balls non-iron drip-dry balls you can make it by yourself balls balls and chain and just plain Balls!

Be In While Stocks Last. Save! Buy In Bulk.

Oh what a lovely halls-up.

Louise Follick.