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Salient: Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Vol. 32, No. 6. 1969.



Some time ago I wrote a letter to your paper concerning the quality of your record reviews, especially the type of records reviewed.

A reply was received the following week, this was both insulting and shallow. The nit who wrote this letter, and I agree with him (Yes, You Definitely Are A Nincompoop) did not have much to say, certainly nothing of value. The letter descended to the level of a personal insult.

Your reference to a certain piece of music by Wagner was in very poor taste, and I do not appreciate being referred to as an hypothesis, and a very bad hypothesis at that.

The attitude of this philistine is unfortunately too prevalent in this country and, no doubt, a bit of culture might do him the world of good.

This Oaf and His Ilk Have Had Their Way Too Long and It's About Time They Were Put Down.

And if the gospel of St. Mike doesn't agree with my sensiments, then he can got and get . . . . chased.

Ron Pretty.