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Salient: Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Vol. 32, No. 14. 1969.

Vic toppled in hockey

Vic toppled in hockey

Following a third championship loss of the season — against Wellington College Old Boys — the Varsity senior hockey team's chances of winning the Wellington title for the fourth time, are now virtually hopeless.

Varsity's recent match against W.C.O.B. was well won by W.C.O.B. the championship leaders.

In fact, Varsity had but two weak shots at goal during the game.

Varsity was fortunate that goal shooting is W.C.O.B.'s big weakness, otherwise the score would have been greater in its favour (1-0) as it missed many opportunities, especially in the second half.

The only goal in the match came from a penalty stroke taken by Weetman in the second half.

For Varsity, Judge and Turner had a poor game, and Keith Purchase had his hands full marking W.C.O.B. left wing Arthur.

Bates saw little ball at centre forward, while Paul Dentice at left inside played well and was the best of Vic's forwards.

Fenton at left full-back also had a good game on defence but could have made more use of his halves.

There were several reasons why Varsity could mount very little in the way of an attack during the game.

First, there was the good play of W.C.O.B.'s Harman and Town, and secondly a restricted two man Varsity attack.

This meant that the whole Varsity side was being pulled to the right, which in turn allowed W.C.O.B. to attack down its right flank.

The two man attack also meant that when Paul Dentice had the ball in an ideal attacking position for interpassing between the inside forwards he sent it back to the right inside or centre half.

This action allowed the W.C.O.B. defence to cover the gaps that should have been exploited.

As Bruce Judge is New Zealand's finest forward it is natural that Varsity should want to centre its attack around him.

But I see no reason why they should base it on him alone.

Every team that Varsity plays attempts to mark him out of the game and as results indicate, teams have been doing just that.

In many respects, Varsity could do well to take note of Wellington College Old Boy's five forward attack.