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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Vol. 32, No. 24. October 2, 1969

M.S.A — Eade

M.S.A — Eade

Sir,—With reference to John Eade's statement in Salient Issue No. 32. Sept. 24. 1969. I wish to make the following reply.

• I was informed by the past President of the M.S.A., Mr. J. T. Nuek. that he and the Secretary attended the meetings of th International Affairs Sub-Committee on two occasions. On both these occasions they found that

(a) they were present on their own accord and they did not attend these meeting as representatives of MS A. In addition to that they found that discussion concerning M.S.A. was not on the agenda although probably they could have brought the matter up themselves.
(b) My point about "consultation" can be best expressed by the following example. This was an interview between some committee members of M.S.A. and "Salient" Editor, Roger Wilde.

The interview was an attempt on his part, to hear the opinion of the M.S.A on on its aims and its relations with the M.S.S.A. This interview provided the M.S.A. with the opportunity to put forward its case, and to eradicate some of the false impressions which had been gained, as a result of misrepresentation.

• It is a wonder that John Eade in his capacity as International Affairs Officer failed to provide the M.S.A. with a similar opportunity when there was a crying need for it. Further, he has failed to consult the M.S.A. on important matters concerning it. Was he unaware of its existence? Or did he wilfully choose to ignore if.

• The "clubhouse" was not given for the exclusive use of the M.S.A.

The clubhouse at No. 3 McKcnxie Terrace does not belong to M.S.A. In fact, it is called "The Malaysia House" to distinguish it from "Clubhouse" as the latter can be misleading. The M.S.A. acts in the capacity of a caretaker. It should be remembered that All Malaysians and their friends, whether members of the M.S.A. or not are entitled to use the Malaysia House.

A. Sharifuddin.