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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 33, Number 9. 25 June, 1970



The Association Treasurer, Gary Langford, has complained to the Executive about the way in which an appointment to an Executive Sub-committee was made.

Mr Langford said at a recent Executive meeting that he had not been consulted in a 'sounding-out of opinion' on the merits of either of the two candidates for the position of Executive appointee on the Publications Board.

Mr Langford's complaint arose from an agreement at an Executive meeting on 10 June that, as only one of the applicants for the position was present at the meeting, the Secretary, Denis Phelps, would arrange a meeting of the Executive members who had interviewed the first candidate to meet the second candidate and the vote.

As Mr Langford was not present at the first interview, he was not asked to attend the second.

Mr Langford said that, as his opinion had not been sought, he therefore questioned the validity of the appointment. The Executive agreed to confirm the earlier appointment.