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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 3. 1971

Payments Reviewed

Payments Reviewed

Last Thursday's Payments Review Committee meeting recommended a total decrease of $530 in the honoraria paid by the association. In what was seen by committee chairman Giles Brooker as an attempt to take control of a payments situation many considered to have become out of hand, the total payments of honoraria were cut by 13.3% to $3460. The recommendations are made to the AGM in the committee's report for 1971: they are

no payment for executive members other than the President, Treasurer and Secretary, although they will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses while on association business.

a cut of $200 in the President's honorarium and of $100 in those of the Salient editor and Extrav Producer.

increases of $150 for the Treasurer as a recognition of professional services, and $200 in the Salient payments budget.

the abolition of payments to Social and Open Day Controllers, as well as the Extrav business manager.

The full list of payments as recommended is:
President $800 ($1000)
Secretary $250 ($250)
Treasurer $200 ($100) as honorarium
$200 ($150) for accounts
Executive Officers no payment ($50)
Social Controller no payment ($50)
Open Day Controller no payment ($50)
Returning Officer $20 ($30)
Orientation Controller $50 in lieu of
vacation earnings ($50)
Salient Editor $600($700)
Salient Payments Budget $650 ($450)
technical editor $500
contributors $150
Publications Treasurer $50 as honorarium
$50 for accounts ($100 in toto)
Handbook editor $50 ($50)
technical editor $50 ($50)
Cappicade editor $200 ($250)
technical editor $50 ($50)
Argot editor $30/issue ($20/issue)
Extrav producer $150 ($250)
business manager no payment ($50)

It was recommended that the changes take effect from January 1st, 1971, and in the case of payments already made that there be no liability for repayment of amended honoraria. It is of course up to the AGM to confirm or amend the proposals, but it was felt that there was a case for reconstituting the Payments Review Committee annually.

The only real hangup is that half the positions are for officers appointed under contract, and if the association wants to alter the terms of employment after the contract has been signed, then they could face a few hefty law suits from the odd money-fucker. The other issue this is likely to raise is whether or not Payments Review Committee should have any say in the internal affairs of Publications Board.