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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 8. 1971

Advice to Hobo's Model

Advice to Hobo's Model

paint your shoes delilah — ye walk on white snow where a nosebleed would disturb the universe. . .down these narrow alleys of owls an flamenco guitar players, jack paar an other sex symbols are your prizes — check into the bathrooms where bird lives for when be comes flying out with a saber in his wing — a country music singer by his side — digesting a carrier pigeon... ye just might change your style of fornicating, sword swallowing — ye just might change your way of sleeping on nails — paint your shoes the color of the ghost muie— the paper tiger's teeth are made of aluminum —youve a long time to Babylon — paint your shoes, delilah — paint them with a sponge

look! like i told you before, it doesnt
matter where ifs at! there's no such
thing, it's where it's not at that you
gotta know, so what if tony married his
mother! what's it got to do with your life?
i really have no idea why youre so unhappy.
perhaps you ought to change your line of
work. you know, like how long can someone
of your caliber continue to paint pencil
sharpeners. . .see you next summer. good to
know youre off the wagon

prematurely yours Funka