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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 8. 1971

A Punch of Pacifist

A Punch of Pacifist

Peewee the Ear, whose mouth looks like a credit card —him & Jake the Flesh — along with Sandy Bob from Pecos — theyre leading the white elephant to water somewhere between wichita falls & el camino real —it's late in the day & no word from Saigon is in yet — along comes jerry me bolng-boing's daughter — Liza the Blimp — riding on a two dollar bill belonging to Goose John Henry, negro medicine man from Denver, who plays folk songs for kicks & speaks french for a living — onward then when Brown Dan, the creep cop — who likes to kill bullfrogs & whose boss keeps saying "he's got a bad knee but you oughta see him run, babe, you oughta see'm run & chase them little chink lovers when they come down the river" —anyway Brown Dan — he comes snooping for the strangers with his flunky known simply as Little Stick, who carries a burnt hat pin & two pieces of kotex in case of emergency. . . they meet up with the crew at a clearing resembling a fisherman's dwarf. . .Jim Ghandi, the welder, is overlooking from his window — & yells something like "aw reet ye sons a vermits — draw ye now or shut ye mouths frever" just as the chick spreads her legs into the intersection & lets loose with the bumble seed grease, but nobody sneezes — she begins to yell about who her father is, but this doesn't work either: . . her fat two dollar bill falls dead from a bullet — "the flag of tex's ass is upon ye" screams Jim Ghandi & the chick immediately takes to the hills — Peewee drops his cookies as up drives an XKE with Sandy Bob's cousin, Sandy Slim, who shows everybody his pictures of Nasser & says "hold it boys, i know all about these things — i used to work in the edsel factory" taking advantage of the confusion. Little Stick steals the white elephant. . .nobody notices — not even Brown Dan, who by this time is busy beating Jake the Flesh to death with a hacksaw — all in all, the situation in viet nam is very disturbing

who wants to be noticed anyway? only you,
who believes what suits you, could speak
so badly of thelonius baker — what'd he
ever do to you anyway besides get his
name in the papers? dont you know that
everybody wants to pick a moron for you —
dont concern yourself with all this
pettiness — it will all pass — think big —
youve seen the sign — all in all, tho, youre
a pretty good guy — stay clean — dont waste
your money on haircuts — see you
at the drugstore

your highness Gumbo the Hobo

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