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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 8. 1971



I Love you, Apple Scruffs

"All Things Must Pass" is the name of George Harrison's latest effort, (just in case there is anyone who knew it not) but you can bet that no-one is going to let it pass, or stop grooving on it for some considerable time. If you can remember how much you gleaned from Abbey Road and Sergeant Peppers then triple it and you will have some idea of the complex of ideas Harrison has woven into his songs, most of which are Eliot-tike lines of thought set to music which ranges from the driving sound of "Wah-Wah" to the early 50's (or earlier) tune of "Behind that Locked Door".

The overall mood of the set (excluding the Apple Jam l.p. which, as a jam session, naturally takes on a gayer tone), seems to be a plea for forgiveness on behalf of himself and everybody, and also a plea for all to follow Christ's path of Universal Love.

The title, All Things Must Pass, is a transcript of the Christian epithet, "all things foul save God alone;" Harrison page break is thus presenting us with a concept of the salvation of ourselves during life through Love.

Photo of a figure in the shadows standing by a window

"Sunrise doesn 't last all morning
A cloudburst doesn't last all day
Seems my love is up, and has left you
with no warning
But it's not always going to be this grey
All things must pass, all things must pass

Harrison appears to have obtained this inner peaceful acceptance, this strength to face the new day and watch old things fade out of his life (eg the Beatles) through a return to the love of Jesus Christ. With the other Beatles he tried to find solutions to the problems of his world, through the Mahareshi, drugs, etc., and his experiences seem to have become moulded within him into a love of Christ (i.e. the Christ of Brotherly Love as understood by Dennis Potter). This love finds expression in such songs as "Hear Me Lord", "My Sweet Lord", I Dig Love", (all 3 simple, beautiful tracks), "I'd Have You Anytime," (in which Dylan took a hand), "What Is Life", and "If Not for You" (written by Dylan), while in several others he berates those who will not follow Christ's way of universal love, e.g. "Awaiting On You All", in which the lyrics read like a Billy Graham oration, and "Ballad of Sir Franki Crisp"

In "Behind That Locked Door" he pleads with us to understand the power of Love.

"Why are you still crying?
Your pain is now through.
Your pain is now through.
The love you are belssed with
This world's waiting for."

While "Run of the Mill" points out that the seeking of universal love and understanding is an individual responsibility.

"Everyone has choice, when to and not to
raise their voices; it's you that decides;
which way you will turn
No-one around you will carry the blame
for you."

Then Harrison would appear to introduce the Hindu concept of reincarnation against those who refuse to face up to this responsibility.

"There 'll come a time when most of us
return here
Brought back by our desire to be
A perfect entity
Living through a nullion years of crying
Until you've realised the Art of Drying."

(Art of Dying)

The other songs all expose different facets of this central theme of Love = Christ = Love Universal, "Wah-Wah" for example is a rejection of acid.

"Now I don't need no wah-wah's
And I know how sweet life can be."

Whilst in Apple Scruffs he relates his realisation that Christ's way has been open to him, and everyone, always, and that is is understanding this which leads to happiness.

"You 've been stood around for years
Seen my smiles and touched my tears
but your love must surely show me
That beyond all time and space
we're together face to face Apple Scruffs."

"Beware of Darkness" is a warning against false values, false paths - "beware of falling swinges", "beware of soft-shoe shufflers", "beware of Maya" in "Let It Down" comes the universal request:

"...let your love
flow and astound me."

Thank-you George for putting it all so beautifully.(and thank you too Ringo, Billy Preston, Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, Badfinger and Apple Scruffs).