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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 2. 8th March 1972

[Letter from Gil Blas to Salient Vol 35 No. 2. 8th March 1972]


I would like to express disapproval with the management of this year's Oversea's Students' Orentation Day.

The choice between goulash or spring roll (at least thats what it looked like) is hardly the same quality of reception as we experienced from Herr Levenbach and Associates, the previous year, when we dined on lavish helpings of chicken and salads and ice cream 'n strawberries 'n all sorts of goodies.

Many other incidents during this years Orientation inspire me to write to you, Sir, so this may merely be the first of my many letters.

Alas, where are the snows of [unclear: an tan].

Gil Blas.