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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 35 Number 6. April 11, 1972

14 Fairview Cres Kelburn, Wellington. Friday 3rd March 1972. The District Superintendent Department of Labour, P.O. Box 6049 Te Aro Ref: No. 739462

14 Fairview Cres Kelburn, Wellington. The District Superintendent Department of Labour, P.O. Box 6049 Te Aro Ref: No. 739462

Dear Sir,

After due consideration of the National Military Service Act of 1961,I have come to the conclusion that the act it illegal because it deprives the New Zealand citizen of his basic right, which is freedom of choice.

In light of this, I must ask you to remove my name from the Conscientious Objectors register and advise you that I will take no further part in this social injustice.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter at you earliest convenience.

Yours Faithfully,

M.T. Murphy