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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 7. 19 April 1972


21st BIRTHDAY? ENGAGEMENT? WEDDING? For quality gifts at special rates to students and staff call and inspect our fine range of Sterling Silver, Silver Plate, Stainless Steel, Pewter, Crystal, Watches etc. Walker & Hall WOODWARD HOUSE 99 THE TERRACE TELEPHONE 70-139

RECORD YOUR GRADUATION WITH A PHOTOGRAPH taken by Greig Royle F.N.Z.P.P.A. 5 Willeston Street City Phone Free Car 45-240 Park Available

CAPPING BALL Saturday 29th of April Come blow your minds at the Student Ball of the year. Tickets are $7.50 each. Remember Tickets go on sale this Friday, so hold back your Bursary Cheque. Ticket Sales limited to 350 Tickets. START CAPPING WITH A BANG!!

we clothe: students, folk singers, executives, freedom marchers politicians — left, right and central, men, theologians, geologians, historians, at Vance Vivian's store for men.

REJECT LEGALISED MURDER REGISTER AS A CONCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR! For information write or phone: Society of Friends, 138B Kelburn Parade, Kelburn, Wellington. 759-662

THE MANGLE Drive-m Coin Operated Laundrette. Dentice Dry Cleaning Depot. 295-299 Willis Street, Wellington. (Opposite Dental School) Hours:- 7am to 10.30pm, 8 days a week. Special Student concession - A booklet of 5 tickets worth 50c each for $2.00. 20% discount. Tickets from Manageress. T.V., Music, cards, chess, etc. Vending machines for Cigarettes, Pantyhose and chocolate. 151bs. of washing, do-it-your-self basis, 75c includes soap powder, 25 minute wash and 10 minutes tumbled dry by natural gas. (Or let us do it for $1.00). (BE A MANGLER)