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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 9. 9 May 1972


Well wankers I'm running out of contributions for the sports page and consequently its tone is being lowered when I'm reduced to writing shit like this.

Unfortunately 2nd term sports results have no show in getting in the next week's Salient because of deadline problems but if you don't mind Salient being a week behind, get those results rolling in. They must be in, along with any photos, comments etc, by Wednesday the week before publication at the latest.

Well if you've bothered to read this report that was presented to SRC last week you'll realise if you're a sports club officer that you have a bit more work to do.

Before Sports Committee will consider your grant application it must have apart from the accounts a) a list of all club members broken down into members of VUWSA and non-members. b) a list of team members similarly broken down. It would appear kiddies that it will be no use trying to work a fiddle because VUWSA has a master roll of students against which your membership lists will be checked.

New Grant application forms will be available soon, so if you have already put in an application stiff cheese, you'll have to do it again — such is the course of bureaucracy.

Grant applications for so called "winter" clubs will be considered as follows.

25th May Badminton
8th June Soccer
Womens Hockey
Mens Hockey
27th June Judo
303 Rifles
Table Tennis
Car Club

Application forms should be in by 30th April but because of the change of forms some latitude will be allowed.

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