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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 11. 31 May 1972

Armchair Revolutionaries

Armchair Revolutionaries


Students were sucked horribly by those fuck-witted P.B.E.C. demonstrators. They claim that they were protesting the sellout of New Zealand, when it was biblically obvious that they were selling out the students for their own image-conscious crusade.

Alec Shaw knew damn well that it was a non-issue. Wednesday's Forum proved that! The PBEC guy told his boys off, and Cullen told his boys off.... What more was there to tell? Thousands of aimless, gutless pricks turned up on Wednesday to hear the these weak-principled buffoons banter definitions of violence and deliberate on the evils of tripping old men up. These thousands of students need a figurehead so badly it's painful!

The issue was minute, practically non-existent. Alec Shaw wants to lay assault charges? Well... if, at the first glimmer of real conflict our figureheads have to cry mamma to the bureaucracy they so vehemently decry, how the fuck will they get on in a real revolution, when there are actual, tangible issues and principles at stake?

Those French cunts are going to blow holes in our ocean; but you don't do a fuckin' thing about it! The Rugby Union gains support from the people, because the people think you're impotent and you are.

Nixon flexes his atomic muscles and you're worried about Peter Cullen calling the Police? The black-hating ambassadors of fascism are arriving soon and you're upset because you got a nasty write-up in the Dominion.

Do something important.... blow up the French Embassy! Do something for Jesus ....burn Mr Philip. Do anything, but don't waste valuable time on Alec Shaw's campaign to become an undergraduate Brian Edwards.

Steve Lahood.