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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 17. 19th July 1972

Apathy Party

Apathy Party


An excellent idea, but only partly true. Lets say Dr. Taylor, Cullen and the Executive decide students use their allowances and bursaries immediately and for the next year at least for housing (solo parents, pensioner flats etc.) as suggested as being very urgent by Lecturer Tim Dyce Wgtn Accommodation Committee, and similar urgent projects. Students can even help and learn to build them and Varsity's reputation. Councillors G.D. Porter and David A. Shand (election year too) are deeply moved by these problems, so their support would be invaluable.

However what's the betting the silent (!) radical (!) and Christian Catholic and SCM (!) demonstrating majority will all combine together and within 48 hours or even less be screaming outside Parliament for bread, prayer, and booze money?

Who was it who said 'Let them eat cake'? Our leaders I hope would say the same. It will test any genuine principles human, moral or animal and the guts of student conscience (Have they any?) After all what's a 28 week year out of a young "jokers" or bird's" life anyway? There is still 24 weeks for fun, more games like demonstrations, etc, and a bit of study too.

Jo. S. Smith

P.S. I've paid all my own way through b Censored varsities without mummy and daddy holding my calloused and grimy hands.