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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 36 No. 5. 29 March 1973



A new representative will be appointed by SRC for the Parking Committee.

79/73 Moved Cullen/Boshier

"That VUWSA allocate the other parking space for scooters to three Executive members".

There was general discussion by members of the Executive.

Moved Cullen/Boshier

"That the motion be put"


The meeting adjourned for ten minutes.

There was more discussion.

Moved Smith/Rendall

"That the motion be put"


Motion 79/73 was put and declared:


A count was called for and the motion was declared:


At this stage Messrs P. Boshier, O. Carson and B. Cullen walked out of the meeting signalling their unwillingness to accept the principled decision made by the Executive.